Head to Nan to Rest, Race and Rise Above the Clouds

Head to Nan to Rest, Race and Rise Above the Clouds

TourismThailand, 24 Jan 2020
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A long weekend in Nan is the perfect amount of time to see the lush province’s interesting sites and activities. Here’s what to go do and see in Nan!

1. Traditional Boat Racing
Head to Nan to Rest, Race and Rise Above the Clouds

Thislongboatracingtraditionhasbeencarried on for a long time and occurs in early November during Nan’sThot Kathin ceremony. The magnificent boatsaredecorated like nagas (mythical water serpents) and compete for both speed and decoration. Duringthedryseason, they host the naga boat races, because the locals believe that indoing so, therains will come. 


Address  : Nan River,PattanaPakNeuaBridge


How to Get There  : From downtown Nan, take Suriyapong Road to Achitawong Road (about 300 metres). Turn left ontoKhaLuangRoad (about 160 metres), then turn right onto Mahawong Road. Gostraightabout 500 metres and you will reach the destination.


The Activity   : Long boat racing with different competitions for speed and decoration. 



Telephone  : 054-710-234 to 138–139 , 054-521-127

Facebook  : https://www.facebook.com/Nanlongboat

Dates  : The racing isheld annually during the Thot Kathin ceremony in early November. 



Seeing the boat races is a great experience that will make you want to join in the competition yourselves, but there’s still more to discover in Nan!Next, it’s on to another activitythatNanis known for, drivingonthe“sky-high”road.

2. Floating Road
Head to Nan to Rest, Race and Rise Above the Clouds

Nan’s “floatingroads” havebecome a popular attraction for those you want to rise above the clouds. There are three long, winding roads snaking through the mountains that offer scenic drives:Route 1256 Floating Road located alongPua Road - Boklua. 1081 Floating Road, located alongSantisuk Road - Boklua and 1148 Sky-high Road, located alongTawangpa Road - Phulangka. All the routesboast stunning views of the mountains, fields, and forests with the vibrant green of the land starkly contrasting with the white of the clouds. Theroads will twist and turn throughout thehillside, so make sure to drive slowly and carefully!     


Address : Highway 1081, Bokluatai District,Boklua,NanProvince 55220


How to Get There : From the Woranakorn Schooljunction, pass Pra Tad Pen Sakad temple and then drive straight to Ban Rong Ngae. Notice that on theleft-hand side you will see the Rong Ngaetemple, there will be a sign for BanRongNgae and then you will find out that the road rises higher about 15 kilometresoutsidePua District. 


1. Drivingtoexperiencetheviewandthefogonthetopofthemountains.

2. Taking pictures and witness panoramicviews. 

3. AbilitytodrivetoNanthaburiNationalPark towatch the sunrise and the sunset. 


We hope that theseselected activities willsatisfy any traveller. Head to Nan and you’re sure to leave with special memories!


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