SHA standard for New Normal Tourism Experience and Safety

SHA standard for New Normal Tourism Experience and Safety

TourismThailand, 19 Aug 2021
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Amazing Thailand Safety & Health Administration (SHA) project is a result of cooperation between the Ministry of Tourism and Sports, the Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT), the Ministry of Public Health, as well as government and private sectors involved in the tourism industry. The project aims to encourage business in the tourism industry to prepare their workplaces to comply with the New Normal lifestyle, in order to improve the tourism industry standards and sanitation measures.

SHA is a certificate that represents tourism industry entrepreneurs' readiness in improving their products, services and sanitation measures which is the crucial factor in preventing the spread of COVID-19 by complying with the sanitation measures, which in turn can build trust and confidence in customers and service recipients of such products and services.

SHA standard for New Normal Tourism Experience and Safety

World Travel & Tourism Council has certified that entrepreneurs who have been awarded The Amazing Thailand Safety & Health Administration (SHA) also pass the Safe Travels Protocols.

From now on tourists can find over 15,000 service agents from 10 types of services that has received the SHA certificate at . Those services include restaurant, accommodation, attraction, transportation, travel agency, health and beauty, shopping center, sport for tourism, meeting/theater/entertainment,  souvenir shop and other shops.

SHA standard for New Normal Tourism Experience and Safety
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